Sunday, April 30, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings

I say ... And you think:

1. Out of place :: Uncomfortable

2. Helicopter :: Chopper

3. Francis :: Drake

4. Ryan :: Seacrest

5. Wedding :: Crashers

6. Appalled :: Horrified

7. Historian :: Academic

8. Powerful :: Strong

9. Sex Symbol ::

10. Uncomfortable :: Sitting here not being able to think of a sex symbol.

Seriously. Who would you choose? There is a difference (in my world) between people who are sexy and people who are a sex symbol. I'm at a complete loss. But then again, it's Sunday morning, and I don't think I'm supposed to be thinking of those kind of things.

Mutter along HERE.


Mensch71 said...

1. Out of place :: Out of time
2. Helicopter :: Hawaii lava flows
3. Francis :: Scott Key
4. Ryan :: Seacrest
5. Wedding :: Bells
6. Appalled :: Egregious
7. Historian :: Dusty
8. Powerful :: Strong
9. Sex Symbol :: Man or Woman Sign
10. Uncomfortable :: Itching

My answer for #9 is either the circle with the arrow going off diagonally or the circle with the t going off to the bottom.

Anonymous said...

I say ... And you think:
1. Out of place :: Unedited
2. Helicopter :: Flight Machine
3. Francis :: Assisi
4. Ryan :: Saving Pvt.
5. Wedding :: Water/Wine
6. Appalled :: Mortified
7. Historian :: Maker-Upper
8. Powerful :: Papal
9. Sex Symbol :: Mary Magdalene?
10. Uncomfortable :: Challenged

Yes, it is indeed The Da Vinci Code film edition!