That whole "it never really happened" part aside, what caught my eye in this particular case were several quotes from the not-terribly-bright University student's lawyer.
"All of us have stumbled on the road of life. All of us have our little trips on the road of life. This is just a stumble on the road of life for her."
I was flabbergasted. Here I am, many, MANY years older than this not-terribly-bright University student, and sure, I have stumbled on the road of life. But comparatively speaking, my sins equate to driving on the rumble-strips on the shoulder of the road of life, while she's driving a Hummer in the HOV lane with the cruise control set at 85mph.
How sad is it when you discover that even as a stumbler, you're nothing but a slacker?
Next time I'll know to aim higher.
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