Sunday, May 18, 2008

Unconscious Mutterings

I say ... And You Think:

1.  Concentration :: Game Show

2.  Relocated :: Moved

3.  Clot :: Blood

4.  Joints :: Aches

5.  Satellite :: Dish

6.  Money Back :: Guarantee

7.  Kittens :: Incurably cute

8.  Shady :: Dubious

9.  Drain :: Down the...

10. Stroke :: Emergency

Well, I can't decide if this is the medical mutterings or the random throw darts at the dictionary mutterings. Whichever it may be, I leave you with a clip from Classic Concentration.  Will June win the roll-top desk for her husband?  Watching and see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unconscious Mutterings
I say ... And You Think:
1. Concentration :: Focus
2. Relocated :: Three Pigs
3. Clot :: Dragon's Blood
4. Joints :: Fee Fie Fo Fum
5. Satellite :: Cow over Moon
6. Money Back :: Magic Beans
7. Kittens :: Mittens!
8. Shady :: Want some candy, Hansel und Gretel?
9. Drain :: the color from Snow White's cheeks
10. Stroke :: Rub the lamp
ah, the Fairy Tale version!
the boy