Thursday, December 23, 2004

Done Done Done

And so, I've finally finished swimming in the sea of humanity. I am truly shopped-out. Now, comes the small matter of the hovel, which has only gotten hovellishier over the past several days and weeks. There are cookies to be baked, dishes to be washed, a bunny cage that needs some serious attention, and laundry which currently is having a members-only tete-a-tete in the basement.

TinyTuna is curled up on the couch with all her pink blanket and friends. GramTuna is puttering at her house, and despite all there is to do, and the snow outside, and those picky details we so fondly call life, I must say that at this moment, the hovel is the bestest place in the whole world.


Gary said...

From my hovel to yours, Tuna, Merry Christmas!

TV Junkie said...

cookies baked? check!
dishes washed? uh... any minute now.
no bunny cage, but a litter box needing serious attention. currently scheduled for .. uh .. later.
laundry? as soon as I load it into the car and take it to my parent's house.

nk said...

Happy holidays, Tunas! Sing a little louder so the tone deaf among us can sit back and enjoy!