Appetizer: Did You Sleep Good Last Night?
TinyTuna: Sort of.
GreenTuna: Not bad.
Soup: What is your current desktop image?

This was taken when TinyTuna was about 4. Unfortunately her bangs are covering up the cutest and most expensive Indian Princess face painting job in the history of EVER. I cried when I paid for it. She cried when I washed it off. I guess we were even.
From Sesame Place near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Salad: When was the last time you planted something? What was it and where did it go?
TinyTuna: This summer I planted "Audrey II" plants in small pots in the driveway. "Audrey II" is really a sweet-pea flower, and it gets its name from Little Shop of Horrors (my favorite musical!)
GreenTuna: The seeds of discontent. - Honestly, I don't remember. Where did it go? Besides in the ground.....?
Main Course: What's Your Favorite Condiment?
TinyTuna: Honey Mustard Sauce.
GreenTuna: Pardon me...Do you have any Grey Poupon?
Dessert: Share a quote that you like, for whatever reason.
TinyTuna: Honesty is a value no one can hide.
GreenTuna: If you can walk, you can dance. If you can talk, you can sing.
Did you sleep good last night?
Not well & not long enough
What is your current computer desktop image?
Desktop images are computerized clutter.
When was the last time you planted something, what was it and where did it go?
Several unnamed middle-school students who have not been seen in quite some time.
Main Course
What's your favorite condiment?
Worchestershire sauce. Honest. It makes most meats taste better. Does not work as well on sandwiches.
Share a quote that you like, for whatever reason.
"Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a
right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature."
teeny tinytuna is adorable! too too too cute with bert!
you've got a great daughter, gt.
you've got a great mom, tt.
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