I say ... And YOU Think:
1. Cluster :: **BLEEP**
2. Announcement :: Information to Pass Along
3. Respect :: Must be earned
4. Incident :: You know it will be much worse than "incident" makes it sound.
5. Accordion :: Polka!
6. Drunk :: Sloppy
7. If :: Then
8. Dexter :: Gordon
9. Wedding :: Nuptuals
10. Gambling :: Press Your Luck
I had to look up Dexter Gordon, even though I was pretty sure I couldn't make up that name. Sure enough, he's a jazz saxophonist. Yay me. As for the rest, if you are sloppy drunk on your wedding day, you are gambling with your future. Best not to press your luck and end in a Cluster *BLEEP*
This important announcement brought to you by GreenTuna who reminds you that Respect is more than an Aretha Franklin song, and wishes you no incidents on the day of your nuptuals.
Everybody Polka!
1 comment:
I say ... And YOU Think:
1. Cluster :: Cashew
2. Announcement :: Listen Up!
3. Respect :: mah authoritah!
4. Incident :: Command System
5. Accordion :: Beer Barrel Polka
6. Drunk :: Tank
7. If :: and but
8. Dexter :: ity
9. Wedding :: Zilla Day
10. Gambling :: risking
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