Time and I are having some issues.
I would like to sit down and compose a complete thought.
No time.
I would like to sit down and read a few pages in a book.
No time.
I would like to go outside and enjoy real live fresh air.
No time.
I would like my dishes done, my house cleaned and my sanity still in tact.
No time.
I could go on and on, but I won't. I'm sure you get the idea. And yet, as much as I'm sure nearly everyone can relate to my dilemma, I still feel guilty about whining at all. Are all these things possible, and am I just a bad-choice-making machine? Honestly, my days are packed. I run from job to job, from event to event, and from appointment to appointment. It's not like I'm sitting at home eating bon-bons all night. I am very aware of what I'm missing, and more importantly, what I could do, given my time constraints.
Tomorrow I get to rest in a very automotive sort of way. Some might cringe at the thought of an all-day drive, but I rather like them. The weather should be good and holiday traffic shouldn't be an issue. The drive gives you a chance to sit still, to chat, to exercise your trivial cortex, to listen to some tunes, and
enjoy the change of scenery.
Today may have been frantic, but tomorrow?
I have nothing but time.
Photo of the Day
Whiskers on Kittens
I was fooling around with the Retro Camera app on my Droid, and I thought I'd try it on my giant furball. She's an odd cat in so many ways -- her coloring is very unique, she doesn't meow so much as squawk, much like a needy pterodactyl. She will bring a mouthful of dinner and dump it on the ground so she is closer to the nearest human. She doesn't start any kitten rumbles, but she sure as heck finishes them all. Her full name is Gabriella, but Gabby says it all.

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