Post the second by a slightly panicking TinyTuna. Personally, I don't know why she's so upset. I think "Fred" is rather nice.... :)
As many of my fellow readers have read, I wrote (and I don't deny) writing a crappy persuasive argument. But now, I'm trying again. Time is winding down until Sunday (Easter) and also my thirteenth birthday. The poll finding a new name for me has been up for some time, and I am here to discuss that poll.
Your Choices ::
1. TinyTuna (Second place)
2. Fred (Please DON'T!)
3. TeenyTuna (Never again!)
4. TeenTuna (I BEG OF YOU! PICK ME!!!!)
As you can see (Notice the bold) I would like to be called TeenTuna and I absolutely WON'T be called Fred. If you look at this from all angles, it is a fair chance that I will be called Fred. To see the results go to the Tuna News website and find out. It's up to you readers! What should I be called?
Ok, TeenTuna it is!
It must be TeenTuna. Fred will be confusing to drive by readers, particularly when the stories are about 'womanly things' and the inevitable boyfriends.
TeemyTuna is ok, but too close to TinyTuna; also the -y is something that should be grown out of. TeenTuna will LAST through the 'horrible teens'.
-- but, of course, we all bow to the Green.
Well, TT, you have reached out and touched my heart, so even though I originally voted for Fred, I will vote again for TeenTuna and thus cancel out my original vote. So then I'll have to vote again, I guess, to actually have the TeenTuna vote count. Right?
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