Sunday, April 22, 2007

Unconscious Mutterings

I say ... And You Think:

1. Found :: Lost

2. Male :: Female

3. Spoken :: Oral

4. Life :: or Death

5. Tonight :: West Side Story

6. Fingernail :: On a chalkboard

7. True :: Dat

8. Give Up :: Quit

9. Shining :: Star

10. Everywhere :: Or Nowhere At All

Sadly, for the most part, this is one of those highly uninspiring let's-say-the-opposite or every-thing's-a-song-cue kind of list. I think my unconscious isn't firing on all cylinders yet this morning.

Do a better job than I did HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say ... And You Think:
1. Found :: But Now Am
2. Male :: of the species
3. Spoken :: Word
4. Life :: Short
5. Tonight :: Show
6. Fingernail :: Evolution
7. True :: Confessions
8. Give Up :: Lent?
9. Shining :: The
10. Everywhere :: and Everything
Hmm, some churchy answers in there, except of course #6. And that thought is really more about toenails. Why would G*D think we needed them?
the boy