Cast: GreenTuna, TeenTuna, GramTuna
Scene: GreenTuna and GramTuna have just picked up TeenTuna from a two-hour rehearsal. Our characters are tired and hungry. TeenTuna wants badly to "turn left" which is Tunaspeak for "Go to Tasty-Twist and get ice cream."
TeenTuna: left left left left left left Are we turning left?
GreenTuna: Way ahead of you (turns left)
TeenTuna: Sweet.
GreenTuna: Is anybody hungry, since we really didn't have dinner?
GramTuna: Yes.
TeenTuna: YES.
GreenTuna: OK Then. Where are we going?
~~~ circular debate ensues with no decisions made ~~~
GreenTuna: Why don't we go to "Amigos." It's right by the Twist and then we can walk and get ice-cream when we're done...
~~~ general rejoicing at the good idea ~~~
GreenTuna: ...and it's nearly 9pm, so the dinner hour is long since past and it shouldn't be crowded.
~~~ our heroes pull into the parking lot only to find NOWHERE to park. We circle once, twice, and make one more pass and luck into a spot. GreenTuna is befuddled by a Tuesday night crowd.
~~~ our heroes walk into the restaurant only to find it jam-packed with a huge line. We stare at each other, confused...and then the realization hits...
GreenTuna: Oh God. It's CINCO DE MAYO.
~~~ exit. Stage left.
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