Tuesday, March 23, 2004


It's Tuesday and I'm in between students and I have nothing of value to share except to say that the weather is nice and I'm a bit tired and sick to death of coughing everywhere so sick in fact that I think I might be the first inside-out person if I cough any harder but no I won't go to the doctor because it isn't bad enough to waste her time on a little cough-cold as TinyTuna would say and now she has the cold too which is too bad since she is student of the week and got to bring a bunch of pictures and her acting trophy and show it off to the class which only has two more weeks of school before they get yet another week off in the name of spring break which used to be called Easter vacation in the olden days when I went to school but that isn't PC anymore so it's spring break at which time I hope the weather is warm enough to justify the somewhat optimistic title of spring which I hope I just survive on principal and speaking of Survivor does anybody know what's up with the Fantasy Teams this week since it appears to be a clip week will we still pick teams and place bets or does everybody have the week off as if it were vacation like spring vacation or even Easter vacation if you prefer and I must admit that I prefer Halls Honey Lemon cough drops to anything else to get rid of this horrible cold that I have that doesn't seem to want to go away which makes me lose my voice which means I can't share anything because I have nothing to say which is to say nada.

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