Thursday, November 10, 2005


If a $600 upside down tree is just too rich for your holiday blood, may I suggest a more fiscally responsible purchase? For the low, low price of $24.00, you can purchase your very own:

(Unassembled view)

Charlie Brown tree.

Thanks Urban Outfitters. Too bad you missed the whole point of the entire cartoon, which was to NOT spend a bunch of money on meaningless holiday decorations. My favorite part of the description:

The bendable branches allow you to make it look just how you want, super pathetic or just kind of pathetic.
What do you suppose it would mean if I made it super bendable, hung it upside down and then set it on fire? And, do you think this comes with instructions for assembly?

Link props to Boing Boing.

1 comment:

nlk said...

that charlie brown tree? too cool.

is there anything more kitschy than a charlie brown christmas tree?

and how's the novel?