Monday, November 24, 2003


Continuing my list of gripes and pet peeves...

Pedestrian Crossings I'm not agin' em...I'm for 'em. The problem is, nearly everyone in a motor vehicle appears to be oblivious at best, and murderously malicious at worst. There are signs posted all over campus saying you have to STOP for pedestrians in the crosswalk. Personally, I feel this sign is a little ambiguous. We (the pedestrians) will never be able to make it into the crosswalk if somebody doesn't give us a break. So, we the pedestrians have to attempt a half-lane dash in order to establish that we are indeed in the intersection. I personally attempt to combine the dash with the maternal stare of death. The stare is effective on children, but not so much on large busses.

Stealth Pop-Up Ads Stealth because they don't pop....they do the electric boogaloo shuffle from the side. And because they enter stage left, they evade my pop-up ad killer, which annoys me no end. I'm sorry, but there is just no way that I could possibly be the 1,000,000th guest every time I visit the same website.

80-Proof Passive-Aggressive Patrons

Toothless Joe, I'm talking about you. Anybody who needs Wagner's "Lohengrin" and Spiegelman's "Maus" and then asks me if I have an affinity for Jewish people is trying to pick a fight. My reply? "I like everybody". And then I walked away. Don't start with me, buddy. I know the Dreidl song, Frosty the Snowman, and the Little Drummer Boy -- and I can pa-rum-pum-pum-pummmm all over your pickled posterior.

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