Monday, March 01, 2004

Speaking of movies and all things Satanic (see Oscar picks averaging .666 below), evidently, The Prince of Darkness has been manifesting himself over there at Mel Gibson's Multiplex, as well. In a Georgia movie theatre, it seems patrons were quite upset to discover Beelzebub had infiltrated the computer ticketing system, and placed a "666" prefix in front of every ticket number.

In my theatre days, we had a legendary computer mishap. Our machines were quite prone to typos (probably because the machines were cheap and technology was ancient). Our most notable mistyped ticket stub found itself in the hands of a "checker" -- a person whose job it was to attend movies (undercover, as it were), and then file a company report as to the accuracy of transactions, the cleanliness of the theatres, etc. This poor checker had the extreme misfortune of seeing arguably one of the worst movies in the history of ever, Howard the Duck. Well, "Howard the" made the ticket stub, as did 3/4 of the word "duck" with one Ffffffabulous substitution. It was a classic.

Meanwhile, in other Satanic news, some really misguided Evansville, Indiana youth decided to attend Mel's Multiplex dressed as Satan. The crown prince of idiocy claimed he 1. Liked to the push the limits 2. Liked doing things to get a reaction 3. Was influenced by Marquis de Sade, and 4. Wanted to show his dislike of Mel Gibson. I'm thinking handing over ten bucks to see a movie isn't the best way to demonstrate your displeasure with the director. Meanwhile, management is currently in the process of creating new guidelines for preventing people dressed as "evil beings" from gaining entrance to the theatre. Does this include evil ducks? I'm just asking...

Lastly, speaking of evil, and evil ducks, and Howard the Duck and Howard the not duck but the you-know-what, as I'm getting ready this morning, TinyTuna is watching Arthur on PBS. If you don't know Arthur you should...I can sit and watch it anytime. Education via aardvarks. Anyway. I walk past the living room and I hear a "bleeeeep". A "bleeeep" as in what you might hear every other word during Big Brother. The whole episode is about "bleeeeping" (swearing) and DW (the little sister, about four years old) and all her little preschool friends are running around swearing, but of course, having no idea that the words are bad or what they mean. How awesome is that? I don't think Mr. Rogers ever dealt with that issue, and I've never heard Barney sing, "I love you, you're language is blue, don't say that again or I'll spank you....."
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