Thursday, March 04, 2004

It's hard to find much to report in my world before 7:00 am. It's chilly. It's dark. Listening to traffic it sounds like it's wet, but I'll let that be a surprise in a few minutes. I've deleted four more Beagle/Bagle virus emails, and I already know that two students have already cancelled their lessons today. It seems that they were saving all their illness for after break. I guess fifty hours on a bus can have a purpose. It must be time to take another a quick gallop through the Wonderful World of Webby. What treats do we have today?

Spring Stinks
I feel like a prophet. Did I not speak of the springtime siren song of the skunk earlier? You know I did. According to this article, the Mitten is not alone in having a skunk as its stinky seer. Hello Indiana! But I have to wonder, if we following the prophecy of the skunk, and it ends up snowing, does that make us seer suckers?

There was a push awhile back to change the familiar "What Would Jesus Do" to "What Would Jesus Drive" as a call to examine the current craze of high-emission, low-mileage cars. One woman (who arguably is a few gears short of a stick shift) didn't realize that What Jesus Would Do is he'd park his car before going in the river to be baptized.

Sad news for Squirrels, Raccoons, Dogs, Cats, Deer and all other forms of former animals. If they find themselves in Toronto and on the wrong side of a set of radial tires, they'd better be sure to throw themselves to the curb before going to the big nature park in the sky, because Toronto Officials don't have the resources to walk through the town yelling "bring out your dead!"

Oh for the days of exams such as these: How many points do you get for a three point basket? How many halves in a regulation basketball game? I wonder if the author of this College Level Course ever taught fourth grade, because these questions look disturbingly familiar.
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