Can it be that I haven't posted since *gasp* Thursday? I guess so. Or, I guess not, depending on how you look at things. So what's been happening?
1. Bessie who had been severely cranky lately turned in a full blown attitude that I was unable to overcome. Having nowhere to turn (CompUSA people? Mmmmm, no) I decided to bite the bullet. I dragged her into work on Friday in an attempts to repair Windows XP one more time. No go. So out of sheer frustration I gave her a Bill Gates enema. WoooEEEee! Now she's clean as a whistle. The upside? She runs like da bomb (or as much of da bomb as a three year old machine can muster). The downside? I lost everything. Not to fear -- most was replaceable in one way or another. Oh, another downside? Bessie is now giving me the silent treatment, as XP is choosing not to recognize either her sound card or her video card. Evidently this problem isn't unheard of, but I haven't had time to go and investigate what to do next.
2. Over the weekend and into Monday I've been feeling of the crud. I decided to actually burn a couple of sick days, which is nearly unheard of for me. I figure if I can remain conscious, it's good enough for academia. My ailment seems to be this pseudo faux flu that is going around. General stomach uneasiness, but nothing bad enough to make you do the 25 yard bathroom dash. General aches and pains, but nothing bad enough to warrant aspirin or a wet washcloth (despite TinyTuna's insistence that I was burning up at LEVEL 9!!!). Just general blargness that required chicken noodle soup, several sessions on my couch, and massive Olympic watching on CBC.
BTW -- What's up with that CBC cow thing? You Canadians are making it hard to keep my promise.......
Sorry to hear about Bessie's ailments, but glad to see you back again. About the sound card....BLURRY fixed mine for me, remotely from his cave. After intensive review, the diagnosis was that I had become stuck in the middle of a download. My REAL was fighting with my Windows Media Player. Try to download REAL again, to see if that clears it up, prior to buying a new sound card. BLURRY AM SMART !!!
P.S. I've got the crud too....I hate summer ills.
Tuna, I hope you're feeling well soon! The computer problem could be just the drivers for the sound and video card - XP doesn't have them all included. Often XP will detect the device, but doesn't actually have the driver available - you either have to have the CD ready or download it after. Either way, a pain.
Yes, um, the cow... Er... Got Milk?
We hate that damm cow too. It sounds so much like the real Olympics it makes you run back to the Tv.
Awww, Tuna. Feel better soon. That pseudo-flu is going around here as well. Come to think of it. So are the computer problems. Thankfully, I think mine are limited to the world of AOL.
Miss You!
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