Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Time Flies

It's shifting time again. This time I'm stuck in the art section. Over the course of the last eight hours, I've decided that

1. Art books are too damn heavy, and

2. This library has far too many books on Chairs

Now I'm sure there must be some topic within the music collection where we have far too many books to be believed. But at least they aren't books on chairs. Not even musical ones.

Much ado down in Hatteras again, as Hurricane Alex appears to be gearing up to make an appearance. Philip, over at the Ocracoke Journal has been keeping OBX (Outer Banks) fans up to date on the weather, and at last report, they had lost power. Sometimes it's hard to imagine living life on such a tiny strip of land, but I know the natives wouldn't have it any other way. Keep good thoughts going that the Hurricane decides to take a right and head back out to sea.

Now I must go home and do my civil duty and vote. There aren't many choices for this primary, but I want to go and have my say. I'll take TinyTuna with me so she can see Democracy in action. Never waste a chance to be a good example!

1 comment:

lifeonhold said...

Ahem...wasn't 'Book Shifting Time' BEFORE your vacation? What are you REALLY up to? *gives GreenTuna a suspicious look*