Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Army of One

I am a single parent. I am an Army of One.

I fight against the onslaught of peer pressure
that wants trendy but impractical clothes
that wears flip flops in December
that thinks midnight movies on a school night is a good idea

I fight against the onslaught of teenage emotions
Unnecessary yet consuming drama
Poor manners
Disrespect and rudeness towards others

I fight against the onslaught of advertisement
that encourages purchases made on a whim
that makes you feel inadequate if you don't have it and superior if you do
that tricks you into believing you never have enough

I fight against the onslaught of technology
cellphones for young children
gaming systems of every size and shape imaginable.
televisions instead of books and sore thumbs instead of sharp minds

I fight against the onslaught of bad taste
food served through a window
music that hurts your ears and troubles your soul
movies without a plot

I am a single parent. I am an Army of One.

I get up and fight every single day
because I refuse to concede these battles.
My child is worth fighting for.

I get up and fight every single day
because there is no tag team. There is no hand off,
and my role must be "bad cop" every single time.

I get up and fight every day
because although I am not intent on winning every battle,
I am determined to face them and fight them with consistency.
How and when they end will be my decision
and only on my terms.

I am a single parent. I am an Army of One.

Although it seems my constant refrain is "No"
I hope that someday she'll understand.
And as indescribably difficult and exhausting these battles may be
I know my child is worth it.
And that more than anything else gives me the strength to fight another day.

I am a single parent. I am an Army of One.


Carol, Song of Joy said...

You know, you are one hell of a good writer. That's what Norris would say and how he would say it! And he'd be right. This needs to be seen more broadly.

And, for what it's worth, I think you are an Army of Two, because that which is amazing enough to have created the universe, is also living in and guiding you!!

Anonymous said...


I've got my own army over here in TX.

and I'm printing that out and putting it on the fridge. I don't care if the kid knows my strategy.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Powerful..........

Anonymous said...

that's some good stuff - and you're great people.
the boy

ps - sore thumbs instead of sharp minds is awesome imagery!
I'm sending it to my brother...