Monday, May 02, 2005

Just What the Tuna Ordered

It says a lot when I can have a gut-wrenchingly bad day at work, come home and in a fit of anger start confiscating things that have been lying dormant all over the house, argue about whether said items (including the holy box of stickers) will ever be returned, collapse on the couch following an extra strength Tylenol/Sudafed dessert and wake up 15 minutes later only to find myself covered up with a blanket with TinyTuna sitting next to me, patting my head, asking me if I'm OK.

I love my kid.


mensch71 said...

She's a fabulous kid. And next time, remember that the couch is MINE and you get the chair. :)

TV Junkie said...

Awww, Tuna. You made my eyes leak. xoxoxtinytunaxoxox

August95 said...

Thank you for sharing your moment of sweetness with us. TT always makes me smile. She seems like a wonderful child.

Buffyvol said...

It's the sweet things like that that keep you from killing 'em, isn't it?

lifeonhold said...

Awww, that is wonderful! I think TT has earned her stickers.

FerfeLaBat said...

I'm sharing this with everyone I know. All five of them. ::Sniff::

::Wiping tears::

Tuna Soup for the Soul.