Sunday, December 30, 2007

Unconscious Mutterings

I say ... And You Think:

1. Memorable :: Unforgettable

2. Resolution :: New Years

3. Goal :: Score

4. 2008 :: Let's hope it's a good one

5. Sensational :: Fantastic

6. Popular Demand :: Back by...

7. Old :: New

8. Music :: I got it in me

9. Intense :: Focused

10. 2007 :: So long, farewell

About as I would have expected. Thanks for a great 2007, -- here's to more mutterings in 2008.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say ... And You Think:
1. Memorable :: remarkable
2. Resolution :: hope
3. Goal :: hope
4. 2008 :: hope
5. Sensational :: remarkable
6. Popular Demand :: lowest common denominator
7. Old :: experiences
8. Music :: soul
9. Intense :: remarkable
10. 2007 :: nearly done
the boy
first time that two words seemed to be what popped into my head for each of three words.