Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Wrapping it Up

Nothing much to report on the holiday front. Once my overly incensed (as in "full of incense" not "full of anger") brain managed to clear out the smoke and accompanying whiff, things were a little less fuzzy. I'm not sure when my church turned into smells-and-bells central, but the (caution: Techno-Speak ahead!) incense-guy was whipping the incense thing around like he had the starring role in the Will Rogers Follies. Yippee-Kay-Yay!

Either that, or his moves were inspired by several yo-yo tricks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had special music last night, and lots of it! There was the young girl playing the trumpet, and the guy playing the trombone. And then there was the man who played four - yes, count 'em FOUR songs on the accordion. Yes, indeed, including Rudolph and Frosty.
And this was not a children's service - twas the regular one.
The Boy