Friday, March 04, 2005

Friday Feast

Feast Number 38 is served --

Appetizer: Who is the one person you email more often than anyone else?
Answer: Although I certainly go in waves with GramTuna, Mensch and many others, I'm sad, embarrassed and not at all shocked to admit that perhaps the answer is: Myself. And not because I don't get enough email (current inbox: well, I'm not telling, but it's well over 1000). I email reminders to myself. It seems to be the one place where I don't lose things.

Soup: So far, which year of your life has been most enjoyable?

Answer: Who can judge? More importantly, who can remember? I can't remember entire years past. Heck, I can't remember entire days past. Let's just say this year, because (as the song goes) I'm still here.

Salad: Name someone with whom you have lost touch but would like to reunite
Answer: My buddy, my pal, The Rev. Who is no longer a Rev, but that is indeed another story. We touch base maybe once a year, or whenever there is an earthquake in California. The nice part to this whole story is, no matter how long it's been, we always talk like it was just yesterday (or some other yesteryear) when we were all graduate students.

Main Course: What was the tastiest meal you had this past week?

Answer: Again with the remembering thing. Of the meals I remember, I think it's a tie. Option number one is shrimp Creole, because it's always good and someone else made it. Option number two was tomato soup and grilled cheese, served up after an hour or so of snow shoveling, proving tasty doesn't always have to be fancy.

Dessert: Using the letters in your favorite color, write three words that describe your personality.
Bleah. Favorite color? Don't have one. But for the sake of sport, we'll go with GREEN





Dawnie said...

I hear you on the e-mailing yourself thing. I do it all the time.

Also, tomato soup and grilled cheese is, quite possibly, the best cold-weather meal there is.

mensch71 said...

The best meal isn't shrimp creole (althouhgh it's on my top 5), it's the holy meatballs!!! And having been a guest in the Tuna House on many occaisions, the truly best meal ever was when I was sick and you made me white food and Tiny Tuna petted my head. *aw*