That is the question.
Fame came to the Hinterlands today as The New York Times posted this about the world of blogging. It focuses on Rich Wiggins -- A TunaU computer guy -- who blogs to the extreme. Evidently he was caught blogging from his hotel bathroom while on a vacation to celebrate his wedding anniversary.
You know that saying about there being a thin line between hobby and obsession? I believe that line is at the bathroom door.
But then again, maybe I'm just jealous. After all, Bessie, my desktop computer, is tethered to the electrical outlet. Who's to say if I had a snappy laptop computer with wireless Internet that I wouldn't be blogging from points unknown in the Tuna Household.
At any rate, the article raised some interesting points about blogs, bloggers and blogging. Although I didn't agree with some of the comments (writing so much for so few), it did present some food for thought:
~~ Why do we blog?
~~ Is it a worthwhile endeavor or a waste of time and bandwidth?
~~ Is blogging the latest form of corporate goofing-off?
~~ Does it build community, or is it merely a false friendship?
~~ Do you feel pressured to post to your blog?
~~ Would you keep writing if nobody was reading?
I'm going to mull this over and get back to you. In the meantime, talk amongst yourselves.
HA! What a bunch of losers! Who would BLOG when they are on vacation? Who would choose a hotel because they have internet access? Who would neglect work to blog? Who would feel pressure to post entries and comments daily? pppppffffhhhhhhttttttttttt.... PISHAW!
What are you looking at?
[points and laughs at TVJ]
I'm bringing my laptop to Vegas so GreenTuna can blog during HTCon. Is that wrong?
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