I must admit a tiny part of me admires someone who has the ability to whittle the past 365 days into a First Class 39-cent epic. I couldn't be that brief if you muzzled me and chopped off all my fingers. And then there is the whole problem of remembering. A whole year? Multiple people? Good Lord, people, I can't remember what I did three days ago, much less last March. But in the spirit of giving it the old college try, here is my first (and most likely last) attempt at a Mass Produced Family Holiday Newsletter.
Two Thousand Six has come and gone
Our basement's dry. We're blessed.
We painted rooms and ripped up grass
and yardwork was our quest.
This year our ocean holiday
had weather that was best.
The kid became a "pre-adult"
our sanity to test.
We've still two cats and I've a Scout
and as for all the rest,
You'll have to read my archives for
these letters I detest.

Our basement's dry. We're blessed.
We painted rooms and ripped up grass
and yardwork was our quest.
This year our ocean holiday
had weather that was best.
The kid became a "pre-adult"
our sanity to test.
We've still two cats and I've a Scout
and as for all the rest,
You'll have to read my archives for
these letters I detest.
Oh, hilarious!
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