Thursday, December 11, 2003

As you can see from the new button at the top of my page, I'm getting ready for the attack of the holiday bloggers. We are going to regale you with holiday tales inspired by songs of the season. Being a music-type person, I have my share of humorous and touching stories to tell. Flaming pigs, Bloody keys, Fifty angry men, Distant Sleigh Bells and First Noels -- It just screams "holiday", don't you think? This is going to be A LOT of fun.

Today (gah, it's already tomorrow because I haven't gone to bed yet) is my last up north teaching day until January. Performers have "juries" during finals week. This is where they sing some of the songs they worked on over the course of the semester. The trick? They don't know ahead of time which song they have to sing, so they have to have them all prepared and ready to go. I have to sit and listen and write comments. It's an incredibly long day for me. The mind can only take what the butt can bear.

As long as I'm home for Survivor, I'll be happy.
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